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/ Apple Reference & Present…nuary (Partner) - Disc 2 / The Apple Reference and Presentations Library (Disc 2)(January 1994).iso / SAS Institute / US English / JMP Statistical / JMP-68K / JMP Demo Help / JMP Demo Help.rsrc / PICT_6441_Limits Table Key Words.png < prev    next >
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OCR: Key words For Charts... Meaning fixed sample size for control limits; set to missing if SampleSize Mean S. and the sample size not fixed orif the fixed sample size P NP is specifiea in the Control Charts dialog RanaeSpan inaivtdual reasurenen specifies the number 25of consecutive values from which the moving ranges are computed Span UWMA speci ifies the number 25 of consecutive sub sample means for computation Q moving average Weight EWMA constant weight for computation of EWMA multiples of the standard deviation of the statistics KSiama used calculate the control limits; missing given in the dialog or if the limits are terms of alpha type error probability used to calculate the control Alpha All limits; used if multiple of the standara deviation not specified ir the dialog Qr the Limits T ...